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INTERTEK & CIBJO have established a joint initiative to educate, train and certify CSR, sustainability, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) compliance officers, specifically for the gemstone and jewellery industries. This is the first dedicated training programme of its sort worldwide.

About us

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Intertek is an industry leader with more than 44,000 employees in 1,000 locations in over 100 countries. We deliver Total Quality Assurance expertise with our industry-winning processes and customer-centric culture. Whether your business is local or global, Intertek can help to ensure that your products meet quality, health, environmental, safety, and social accountability standards for virtually any market around the world. Intertek holds extensive global accreditations, recognitions, and agreements, and knowledge of and expertise in overcoming regulatory, market, and supply chain hurdles is unrivalled.

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CIBJO, The World Jewellery Confederation, represents the interests of all individuals, organizations and companies earning their livelihoods from jewellery, gemstones and precious metals, covering the entire industry from mine to marketplace in the various production, manufacturing, trading and retail centres. CIBJO’s purpose is to encourage harmonization, promote international cooperation in the jewellery industry, and to consider issues which concern the trade worldwide. Foremost among these is to protect consumer confidence in the industry.

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The International Council for Sustainable Business

CIBJO has established the International Council for Sustainable Business (ICSB), an academy dedicated to providing professionals from the gem and jewellery industry the knowledge, insight and practical tools necessary for applying practices related to Sustainability and CSR in their own businesses. These include strategies for implementing the company’s individual goals, tools for communicating sustainability initiatives worldwide, auditing techniques and much more. Through the International Council for Sustainable Business and Intertek, gem and jewellery industry professionals may obtain both training and internationally recognized certification of CSR/Sustainability/ESG officers. The certification is issued by Intertek, which is accredited by Accredia, the sole national accreditation body appointed by the Italian government in compliance with the application of the European Regulation 765/2008, attesting the competence, independence and impartiality of certification, inspection and verification bodies. Accredia is a member of EA (European cooperation for Accreditation) and IAF (International Accreditation Forum), meaning that the Intertek certification is recognized worldwide. To obtain a more detailed description of the certification process, please view the video below.

The ICSB and Intertek training is offered in a series of modules, each of a different duration, all of which are available on a dedicated e-training platform. All modules contribute to your successfully obtaining the number of training hours that are mandatory for certified CSR/Sustainability/ESG officers. It’s up to you to decide which training module/s to take. For more information, click on the “Training” banner below. To begin you will first need to get registered. Please click on one of the two banners below to begin the process, after which you can add training modules to your cart. Let’s get it started!